Welcome to the new home for my blog… on my very own website!!! (I still have some work to do.. but it is close!)
I can’t believe it!
And, I can’t believe that this is my 50th blog post. I have missed this outlet; this place to pause, reflect and connect.
Where to begin again?
I am sure I have had at least 50 thoughts for a blogs posts since the last one.
At least 50 chores and projects I should be doing instead.
At the very least 50 reasons to be grateful we have a warm, dry house after the rains and floods in CO two weeks ago.
And, at least 50 people to thank who have helped get me to today.

In my art room, I hung some red threads above my desk and on them I put names of the people who have supported me, inspired me, pushed me, taught me, loved me, reached out to me, encouraged me, rallied with me, brainstormed with me, been honest with me, opened doors for me, laughed with me and gave me a big kick on the backside of my jeans when I needed it (you know who you are!). I am so humbled by the amount of energy, time, and love that people have showed me to help me grow this year. This time last year, I was painting the exterior of our house bright yellow. (Confession time…the back still needs to be done. Eventually!) But, I remember as I worked on it last year, imagining a life.. no dreaming of a life where I was constantly creating and moving forward. At the time, I felt stuck and couldn’t see to the next week. And, I learned that I was the only one standing in my own way… thanks Chris! Seriously, thank you for holding up the mirror! Never would I have imagined that I would have come this far with so far to go! I have sold paintings here and across the country, have a show next April at Gallery Bleu, am working on a collaborative show in Colorado Springs, now have a website (with an online store no less!), am back doing some decorative finishes, just did a fun mural in a hay-barn, will be a part of an Artisan Fair next weekend… it’s crazy!!! I must say the crowning jewel is when my husband, who is the cornerstone of my life and gives so much to let me follow this dream, introduced me as an artist. It’s a title I am still not comfortable with, but it is growing on me.
So thank you!! I couldn’t have gotten to this point alone. Far from it! And, I am so grateful for the tremendous support of family and friends, the Evolve class through AIR here in Fort Collins, and the amazing people I have met along the way. All of you, who are a part of my red thread tapestry that feels like a big comfy blanket, are helping me create this life that makes me feel like I am beginning again. And for that, I can’t thank you enough.
I’m inspired by YOU Cat…
2013 – The Year of Cat….way to go!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, art, and life!
Thanks Brenda! I hope to see you soon!
You go girl!!!